Sunday 27 December 2009

Philip's Top Ten Films of The Decade

I have spent the past few weeks looking at other people's 'best of...' lists and disagreed and agreed in equal measures with what I have seen. The Guardian are currently still 'longing out' their top ten after releasing their 100 to 11 in one go, which is just annoying; no one is going to buy their paper just to find out what makes their number 6! Robot Socks will post their definitive top ten just prior to the New Year once other contributors get a move on, so I will kick-off with my top ten. I have tried to avoid going for pretentious choices, so here it is:

Irréversible (2002) Gaspar Noé
Être et avoir (2002) Nicolas Philibert
8. Oldboy (2003) Chan-wook Park
7. Batman Begins/Dark Knight (2005)/(2008) Christopher Nolan
6. The Bourne trilogy (2002)/(2004)/(2007) Doug Liman/Paul Greengrass
5. Before The Devil Knows You're Dead (2007) Sidney Lumet
4. Amores Perros (2000)
Alejandro González Iñárritu
3. A Serious Man (2009) Ethan & Joel Coen
2. There Will Be Blood (2007) Paul Thomas Anderson
1. Waltz With Bashir (2008) Ari Fulman

There were many who just missed out and I hope Nic and Ian include them so we can discuss their inclusion in the Robot Socks list, perhaps Zodiac deserves to makes it.


  1. Firstly, looking at that I shudder at the prospect of your pretentious list, secondly I'm was going to pull you up for using trilogies as one choice until I remembered I've got a trilogy on my list and thirtdly - A Serious Man? Seriously? Or is this cos you wanted to use a Coen Brothers film but couldn't bring yourself to choose No Country?

  2. In what way is my list pretentious?! A Serious Man is subtle piece of work that is warm, witty and intelligent, it does not try hard like No Country.
