Sunday 20 December 2009

Best Films of the Decade?

Recently, I read AV Club's Top 50 Films of the Decade feature and it aggravated me greatly. It is beyond me how they could collectively come to the decision that 'Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind' was the best film of the decade. I strongly dislike that film, although I appreciate that it is a well loved film and other Robot Socks contributors will no doubt be naming it in their 'Best of...' list, but only an idiot could think it was the best film of the decade.

Over the coming fortnight I will be kicking off this blog with my Top 10s of the Decade for films, music and maybe a few others. We may also bring to you a collaborative and extended Best Film of the Decade list, so let's wait and see what the Robot Socks idiots can actually be bothered to do.

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