Tuesday 29 December 2009

Nic Martin's Best Films of the Decade

Well, this is my list as it stands today. I know there's stuff I'm mising, I just can't remember what off the top of my head. So here, it is:

Children of Men (Alfonso Cuarón, 2006)
Cloverfield (Matt Reeves, 2008)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (Michel Gondry, 2004)
Lord of the Rings (Peter Jackson, 2001-2003)
Memento (Christopher Nolan 2000)
Mulholland Drive (David Lynch 2001)
Oldboy (Park Chan-Wook, 2003)
Shaun of the Dead (Edgar Wright, 2004)
There Will Be Blood (Paul Thomas Anderson, 2008)
Zodiac (David Fincher, 2008)

The long list (in no particular order)
Pan's Labyrinth; Let The Right One In; The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou; A Very Long Engagement; Moon; Kill Bill Vol.1; Walle-E; No Country For Old Men; The Bourne Supremacy; Finding Nemo; The Assisnation of Jesse Jame by the Coward Robert Ford; Magnolia (wrong decade alas); Up; The Royal Tenenbaums; Being John Malkovich; The Dark Knight; City of God; Snakes on a Plane

Top 10 Coming Soon!

So Philip seems to be promising all you hypo-thetical, probably non-existant people out "there" that I will be posting my own wank-tastic top 10 of the decade, a fools errand as I haven't seen nearly enough films this decade to make feel qualified to judge it. Well, I have seen a hell of a lot of films this decade don't get me wrong (this is, after all, the decade in which I did my film degree which makes watchings films kinda compulsary if you want to pass...) but there's a hell of a lot I've missed. I mean can I really pass judgment until I'm caught up the movies of the decade? I haven't even seen every Spielberg film of the decade, let alone all the hidden gems.

So I guess any Top 10 list, especially one this broad, can only ever be a personal opinion shaped by the personal tastes and experiances of the writer. to this end I'll try and get my own up later this evening once I've sat down and actually given it some thought.

To Be Continued...

Sunday 27 December 2009

Philip's Top Ten Films of The Decade

I have spent the past few weeks looking at other people's 'best of...' lists and disagreed and agreed in equal measures with what I have seen. The Guardian are currently still 'longing out' their top ten after releasing their 100 to 11 in one go, which is just annoying; no one is going to buy their paper just to find out what makes their number 6! Robot Socks will post their definitive top ten just prior to the New Year once other contributors get a move on, so I will kick-off with my top ten. I have tried to avoid going for pretentious choices, so here it is:

Irréversible (2002) Gaspar Noé
Être et avoir (2002) Nicolas Philibert
8. Oldboy (2003) Chan-wook Park
7. Batman Begins/Dark Knight (2005)/(2008) Christopher Nolan
6. The Bourne trilogy (2002)/(2004)/(2007) Doug Liman/Paul Greengrass
5. Before The Devil Knows You're Dead (2007) Sidney Lumet
4. Amores Perros (2000)
Alejandro González Iñárritu
3. A Serious Man (2009) Ethan & Joel Coen
2. There Will Be Blood (2007) Paul Thomas Anderson
1. Waltz With Bashir (2008) Ari Fulman

There were many who just missed out and I hope Nic and Ian include them so we can discuss their inclusion in the Robot Socks list, perhaps Zodiac deserves to makes it.

Sunday 20 December 2009

Best Films of the Decade?

Recently, I read AV Club's Top 50 Films of the Decade feature and it aggravated me greatly. It is beyond me how they could collectively come to the decision that 'Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind' was the best film of the decade. I strongly dislike that film, although I appreciate that it is a well loved film and other Robot Socks contributors will no doubt be naming it in their 'Best of...' list, but only an idiot could think it was the best film of the decade.

Over the coming fortnight I will be kicking off this blog with my Top 10s of the Decade for films, music and maybe a few others. We may also bring to you a collaborative and extended Best Film of the Decade list, so let's wait and see what the Robot Socks idiots can actually be bothered to do.