Saturday 2 January 2010

Top tens galore.

Okay so I'm a little slow. 2009 has gone and the whole best of lists thing is a bit out of date. But you know what - I'm gonna do it anyway. It's pretty hard to compose these lists. As Nic pointed out it's damn near impossible to see all the promising movies from the past ten years so any list is a little inadequate. Perhaps the answer is to limit your scope and only watch one film a year. That way at the end of the decade you won't have to think too hard. Just a suggestion.

Anyway here are my top ten movies of the past 10 years:

10.United 93
9. 21 Grams
8. Junebug
7. Lost in Translation
6. The Wrestler
5. The Squid and the Whale
4. The Dark Knight
3. Before Sunset
2. Eternal Sunsine of the Spotless Mind (Philip - how can you not like this movie?)
1. There Will be Blood

I also want to give honourable mention to City of God, Assassination of Jesse James, Anchorman, The Royal Tennebaums, You Can Count on Me, Into the Wild, Knocked Up, Downfall, Life Aquatic, Babel, Zodiac, American Splendour, Sideways, Superbad, The Bourne Trilogy, The Lord of the Rings, and all the other ones I've forgotten.

I'm also going to throw my two cents in on the hip hop front. Here are my 10 favourite hip hop albums of the past 10 years:

10. The Ecstatic by Mos Def
9. Food & Liquor by Lupe Fiasco
8. The Love Below by Outkast
7. Rising Down by The Roots
6. The Renaissance by Q Tip
5. Late Registration by Kanye West
4. Nas by Nas
3. Game Theory by The Roots
2. Ear Drum by Talib Kweli
1. Be by Common

So there you go the definitive selection. I'm sure there will be no disagreements with any of these choices.

I will be back shortly with reviews of the new Clint Eastwood film 'Invictus' and the new Jason Reitman movie, 'Up in the air'. Stay posted Robot Socks world.

1 comment:

  1. There is something wrong with your hip hop list, there is nothing Gansta about it!
