Tuesday 15 June 2010

Single Releases 14th June 2010

Dizzee Rascal & James Corden
Shout For England

With no official England anthem for the first time since 1966 there has been a raft of even more dodgy unofficial ones (more than usual) of which this is probably amongst the best. It’s no Three Lions though and more disappointingly its easily the least catchy single the recently popified Rascall has put out in some time with the whole thing feeling like something of a rush job. Having said that, the chorus – Tears for Fears cover, if hadn’t guessed – is appropriate shout-a-long-able (even if it’s hard to imagine it being picked up on the terraces); James Corden is surprisingly/suspiously tuneful and with Corden & Rascall’s royalties going to Great Ormand Street Hospital it’s hard to not to recommend if you feel you have to buy World Cup song

Kylie Minogue
All The Lovers

Kylie has such an in-built fan base that you already know if you’ll like this all not. As ever it’s a professionally crafted slice of pop, with Kylie’s dreamy laid-back vocals underscored by 80’s style synths that have become something of a trademark. But’s it’s also perfectly forgettable and rather middle-of-the-road, but at a time when most pop songs seem to be by teenage girls telling the world how hot or rubbish their love life is, middle-of-the-road is almost refreshing. Almost.

Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga’s personality disorder schtick is starting to get old and perhaps in recognition she returns with something approaching a ballad reminiscent of early-era Madonna and with the crazy dialled right down although she can’t resist throwing in names like Fernando and Roberto into the song as well, as though she’s forgotten who she’s singing about. Ballards are never very hummable and as with a lot of people who project larger-than-life personalities, you begin to suspect it’s because there’s little personality behind it.

Paul Weller
Find The Torch / Burn The Plans

Pleasantly anthemic and summery light rock from the “Mod Father”. I’m not a huge fan of Weller but I found my foot quietly tapping along, even if my fist wasn’t waving in the air.


The latest from the up-and-coming Manchester dance/indie band is a perfectly serviceable slice of drunk student dance shuffle. If Skins was on now, I’m sure this would be on the soundtrack somewhere


Bloc Party’s Kele Okereke goes solo and the result is a Bloc Party song with added Armand Van Helden unsch-unsch-unsch. It’s a solid dance number that should please the Bloc Party faithful but it’s unlikely to crossover the way that Bloc Party’s dancier numbers like “Flux” managed.

Katy Perry & Snopp Dogg
California Gurls

Former gospel singer and try-hard bad girl teams up with gangsta rapper Snoop Dogg for a track proclaiming the joys of California, sadly without Arnie’s vocal support. Predictable, half-hearted double-entoundres from Perry and lazy vocals Dogg combine to create a summer track do insipid it’s guaranteed to be played on a continual loop local radio stations and supermarkets from now until September

Not Afraid

A typically angry release from Detroit’s preimier whiteboy rapper, but surprisingly soulful too, as Mr Mathers wraps about overcoming his “demons”, putting out a disappointing album and being a better father. Comedy fratboy rap this aint.

Fire With Fire
Couldn’t get hold of Sorry.

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